12 Holidays To Mark On Your Office Calendar Today

Spread the good vibes and boost your company culture all year long with these 2024 corporate holidays.

Tom Dixon
Spread the good vibes and boost your company culture all year long with these 2024 corporate holidays.

12 Holidays To Mark On Your Office Calendar Today

It’s a new year, and your office calendar still has that “new calendar smell”. That makes now the perfect time to foster a culture of appreciation and recognition within your organization. 

Nearly every month of the year has a holiday dedicated to celebrating someone who makes your business tick—whether its clients, customers, Jan in accounting, or Jerry in sales. These holidays may not be on your radar now, but popping them on the calendar gives you time to plan unique, personalized ways to thank your staff and customers throughout the year. Consider utilizing an ipad planner to keep track of these special occasions and brainstorm creative ideas to show your gratitude.

Employee recognition is more than just a nice gesture; it's a proven retention strategy that enhances morale, increases productivity, and strengthens team bonds. 

Read on for ways to make this year memorable for your team and successful for your organization.

Employee Appreciation Day

Friday, Mar. 1, 2024

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The History

Dr. Bob Nelson created Employee Appreciation Day in 1995. As a founding member of the nonprofit association Recognition Professionals International, Nelson believed in the positive effects of employee recognition on company performance.

On this day, employers give thanks or recognition to their employees and honor their achievements and contributions.

How To Celebrate

Some ways employers show appreciation to employees on National Employee Appreciation Day include hosting a company lunch to recognize and reward employees. Hire a catered meal, hand out treats, and provide personalized gifts or gift cards to show gratitude.

This is also a great time to launch a new employee of the month program if you don’t have one already.

Customer Appreciation Day

Thursday, Apr. 18, 2024

Photo by Blake Wisz on Unsplash

The History

Information about the origins of Customer Appreciation Day are scarce, but everyone seems to agree that customers are pretty important to any business, so it’s a good thing somebody invented a day to celebrate them!

The event was established to encourage businesses to show their customers some love and to express gratitude for their support and loyalty.

How To Celebrate

There are lots of ways to show customers you care about them. First and foremost, everybody loves a special discount. To celebrate the day, offer your loyal fans an exclusive deal on some of their favorite products.

A thank you card is a simple and effective way to show appreciation. Make sure to personalize it, too.

On social media, take the time to showcase and celebrate some of your customers. It’ll make their day and yours!

Administrative Professionals Day

Wednesday, Apr. 24, 2024

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

The History

This holiday started as National Secretaries Week after U.S. Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer issued an official proclamation. The name changed to Administrative Professionals Day in 2000. However, the aim remained to thank all of the professionals who make the appointments, keep the schedule, file the paperwork, field calls, track events, prioritize tasks, screen visitors, and help out an organization in a million ways big and small every day.

How To Celebrate

Employers can celebrate the professionals who make every office tick with many different gifts. A personalized thank you card and a small gift card are a great start. A digital cash gift card can be used to purchase a meal, a massage, celebratory drinks after work, and more.

Other companies offer their admins a catered lunch or find a way to celebrate their contributions to the organization publicly.

National Nurse's Day

Monday, May 6, 2024

Photo by SJ Objio on Unsplash

The History

The nation’s top health chief, Dorothy Sutherland, first proposed a day to honor nurses in 1953. She wanted the day to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s work in the Crimean War. 

Nightingale’s health and hygiene practices saved thousands of lives. She even reduced one hospital’s mortality rate from 40 percent to 2 percent! Today, she is considered the mother of modern nursing.

However, Sutherland’s idea languished until 1974, when Nixon officially proclaimed a National Nurse Week annually in May. Reagan later signed an official proclamation for National Nurse’s Day in 1982.

How To Celebrate

Nurses are the frontlines in our country’s healthcare system. Take the time to thank these lifesavers with a thank you card. 

Administrators at hospitals, caregiver facilities, schools, prisons, and other facilities should also consider a special luncheon to recognize all of their nurses. Don’t forget to hold an event that the night shift nurses can attend, too.

World Facilities Management Day

Friday, May 10, 2024

Photo by Verne Ho on Unsplash

The History

Global Facilities Management, a professional association for facilities managers, launched this holiday in 2009.

It is an opportunity to show appreciation for the often unseen work that makes buildings and facilities run smoothly and efficiently. 

How To Celebrate

Like any holiday, a personal thank you card or a small gift card shows your facility managers how much you appreciate their work. Treat the team to a meal, coffee, or even a day off.

National Employee Health And Fitness Day

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

The History

The National Association for Health and Fitness launched the observance of this day to raise awareness of the health benefits of physical activity among employees. The day promotes the benefits of regular physical activity, such as providing energy, boosting mental ability, preventing fatigue, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. 

It also encourages employees to pursue a holistic, healthy lifestyle, emphasizing wellness beyond exercising.

How To Celebrate

Employers can organize steps and movement challenges with a gift card for participants. This is also a good day to arrange on-site health screenings such as blood pressure checks, cholesterol screenings, or flu shots.

Use this day as an opportunity to host wellness workshops on topics like stress management, nutrition, or mindfulness. Also, take stock of your break room to make sure you offer employees healthy snacks throughout the day.

National Intern Day

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Photo by David Valentine on Unsplash

The History

WayUp founded National Intern Day in 2017. They know how important interns are to getting work done in offices around the country and the valuable lessons people learn during those internships.

This day was a way to call attention to the challenges interns face and their accomplishments. Every year on this day, WayUp releases its list of the top employers for interns. 

WayUp uses National Intern Day to encourage companies to invest more in their internship programs. After all, today’s interns are tomorrow’s leaders.

How To Celebrate

Your interns work hard for you. Show them you recognize all that hard work by taking them to lunch or giving them a gift card to their favorite cafe. Pair your gift with a personalized thank you note.

Finally, show your fans how much you appreciate your interns by spotlighting them on your social media channels or within company communications.

National Independent Worker Day

Friday, Aug. 16, 2024

Photo by Daniel Thomas on Unsplash

The History

The Association of Independent Workers established this national holiday to recognize the significant contributions of independent workers to the economy and to raise awareness about the evolving nature of work. 

The day is meant to celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit and economic impact of independent workers and advocate for policy reform that reflects the modern world and provides them with the necessary support and benefits.

How To Celebrate

Today, recognize the independent workers that help you deliver for your customers. You can honor their contributions by including thank you notes and gift cards for a local coffee shop. 

Also, show support for small businesses and independent workers by promoting their products and services.

HR Appreciation Day

Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024

Photo by Van Tay Media on Unsplash

The History

We can thank Jamaican leader Governor-General Sir Patrick Allen for declaring this holiday in 2013. The idea has taken off in the last decade.

HR Appreciation Day is designed to pay tribute to HR professionals and raise awareness about their vital role in organizations. It is a day to learn about the work of HR professionals and express gratitude for their efforts. 

How To Celebrate

On HR Appreciation Day, employers can celebrate HR professionals with a company event to recognize their efforts and thank them for their expertise and guidance.

This is a great opportunity to offer some wellness gifts for the HR team, like massages or spa days that let them relax and recharge. Don’t forget to give them personalized thank you notes and perhaps a gift card for a meal.

Thank the HR team publicly, too, with a shoutout on social media and the company newsletter.

World Mental Health Day

Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024

Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

The History

An international nonprofit called the World Federation for Mental Health started this holiday to promote mental health advocacy and educate the public.

​​Today, organizations are encouraged to discuss and shed light on mental health issues, making mental health a priority worldwide. 

How To Celebrate

Employers can celebrate World Mental Health Day by promoting the company’s mental health benefits and the resources available to employees. 

Encourage employees to take mental health breaks during the workday to recharge and manage stress. If you’re a remote team, create supportive channels dedicated to employee well-being on platforms like Slack.

This is also a good opportunity to invite mental health professionals or advocates to speak about mental health and well-being in the workplace. Make sure to provide educational resources and communicate the importance of mental health to all employees.

Finally, foster connections among employees by organizing activities that promote social support and camaraderie.

International Accounting Day

Sunday, Nov. 10, 2024

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The History

The San Diego chapter of the California Society of CPAs started this holiday in 1972.

The day was created to inspire younger generations to pursue a career in accounting. In 1976, it became known as International Accounting Day. 

Accounting Education Institute promotes the day, provides networking opportunities, and offers educational events in the fields of accounting and finance. 

It is also a day to celebrate the role of accountants and promote the accounting profession.

How To Celebrate

Some ways to show appreciation for accountants on International Accounting Day include personal thank you messages and gift baskets. Consider a gift card your accounting team members can use at a local cafe or lunch spot.

Also, highlight in your internal newsletter all the ways your accounting team contributed to company goals this year.

National Salesperson Day

Friday, Dec. 13, 2024

Photo by Berkeley Communications on Unsplash

The History

The holiday was originally founded by Maura Schreier-Fleming, President of Best@Selling, in 2000.

It was established to acknowledge the efforts of salespeople, a group that often works long hours and faces the challenges of a tough and unpredictable business. 

How To Celebrate

Share stories on social media of ways your sales team provided a personal touch for customers this year. You can also recognize the sales team internally with awards, thank you notes, and other small tokens of appreciation.

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