The Power Of Account-Based Marketing Gifts In Sales

From demo incentives to milestone celebrations, learn how to use gifts to create memorable experiences and strengthen key account relationships.

Tom Dixon
Content Manager
From demo incentives to milestone celebrations, learn how to use gifts to create memorable experiences and strengthen key account relationships.

Spring is just around the corner, and you're in the market for a new set of golf clubs. You find the perfect set online, add them to your cart, and checkout with a few simple clicks. Easy, right?

Now, imagine you're a business looking to purchase new software. Unlike those golf clubs, you can't just click "buy now." You'll need to consult with various departments – IT to assess compatibility, finance to approve the budget, and HR to plan training. Each stakeholder has their own concerns and priorities, making the purchase process far more complex.

In account-based marketing, you're not just selling to an individual; you're engaging with a group of decision-makers. To close the deal, you must understand and address the unique needs of each stakeholder, tailoring your approach to resonate with the entire buying committee. That's where corporate gifting comes in — it's like sending personalized golf clubs to each member of the office before hitting the links. By showing you understand and appreciate their individual interests, you create a connection that goes beyond the typical sales pitch.

Strategic corporate gifting in ABM is about more than just sending presents; it's about demonstrating your commitment to building genuine relationships with each decision-maker. By carefully selecting and timing gifts that align with their needs and preferences, you can create a memorable experience that sets you apart from the competition and helps you navigate the complex B2B buying process with ease.

What Is Account-Based Marketing?

Focus your energy on only high-value accounts with account-based marketing.
Photo by Joshua Mayo on Unsplash

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a strategic approach to B2B marketing that focuses on identifying, engaging, and converting high-value accounts rather than targeting a broader market. 

In ABM, marketers work closely with sales teams to create personalized campaigns tailored to the specific needs, challenges, and interests of each target account.

By treating each high-value account as a market of one, ABM helps organizations allocate resources more efficiently, build stronger relationships with key decision-makers, and ultimately drive higher ROI compared to traditional lead-based marketing approaches.

Account-Based Marketing Vs. Inbound Marketing

ABM and inbound marketing are two distinct approaches to B2B marketing, each with its own focus and strategies.

Audience Distribution Metrics
ABM Focuses on specific, high-value accounts Proactive outreach to decision-makers within target accounts, using channels like personalized emails, direct mail, and targeted advertising Account engagement, pipeline velocity, and revenue generation from targeted accounts
INBOUND Aims to attract a broader audience Attracts prospects to your website or content through search engine optimization, social media, and content marketing Website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates

How Corporate Gifting Fits Into ABM Strategies

Giftly can help you execute your account-based marketing strategy
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Corporate gifting is a powerful sales tool that can be seamlessly integrated into an ABM strategy to create personalized experiences, build stronger relationships, and ultimately drive revenue growth from target accounts.

In a crowded B2B landscape, personalized gifts can help you stand out from competitors and capture the attention of key decision-makers. By selecting gifts that align with the interests and preferences of your target accounts, you show that you've done your homework and are invested in building a genuine relationship. 

Unique gifts create a lasting impression on recipients, keeping your brand top-of-mind and increasing the likelihood of future engagement. By strategically timing your gifts to arrive after a significant meeting or when a deal is nearing its close, you build momentum and trust, ultimately speeding up the sales process.

Account-Based Marketing Best Practices

Account-based marketing helps you develop deeper relationships with buyers.
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

ABM requires a strategic approach to be effective. Here are some best practices to follow:

Account selection

Start by defining your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) based on factors such as industry, company size, revenue, growth potential, and strategic fit. 

Use data-driven insights and input from your sales team to create a list of target accounts that have the highest likelihood of generating significant revenue. 

Regularly review and refine your account list to ensure you're focusing your efforts on the most promising opportunities.


Conduct in-depth research on each account to understand their specific challenges, goals, and buying behaviors. 

Your marketing team will use this information to craft compelling, relevant content that addresses their unique needs and demonstrates your understanding of their business. 

Personalize your website experience, email outreach, and even your product demonstrations to show that you're not just another generic vendor, but a partner who is invested in their success.

Multichannel engagement 

Develop a cohesive ABM campaign that leverages channels such as email, social media, direct mail, and events to create a consistent, impactful experience. 

For example, you might start with a personalized email sequence, followed by targeted social media ads, and then invite the account to an exclusive webinar or executive roundtable event. 

By using multiple touchpoints, you increase the likelihood of capturing their attention and fostering meaningful engagement.

Align sales and marketing

ABM success hinges on the close collaboration between your marketing and sales teams. Ensure that both teams are aligned on target account selection, messaging, and goals. 

Marketing should work closely with sales to develop personalized content and campaigns that support the sales process and address the specific needs of each account. Sales should provide valuable insights into the account's challenges, decision-makers, and buying process to inform marketing's efforts. 

Regular communication and a shared commitment to account success will ensure a seamless customer experience that drives account progression.

Measurement and optimization

Monitor account engagement across each channel you use. That includes data like email opens, website visits, and event attendance. 

Track pipeline velocity to understand how quickly accounts are moving through the sales process and identify any bottlenecks. 

Measure revenue generation from your target accounts to assess the ROI of your ABM initiatives. 

Use this data to refine your account selection, personalization, and engagement tactics over time, ensuring that you're allocating resources to the most effective strategies.

Examples of ABM Gifts

Giftly cards make great flexible, personalized ABM gifts
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

When it comes to ABM gifting, the key is to choose items that resonate with the individual recipient, demonstrating your understanding of their interests and preferences. 

Demo Incentives

Encouraging key decision-makers to attend a product demo or presentation can be a challenge, but strategic gifting can help sweeten the deal. 

Some companies will send the members of their target account’s buying group a tablet preloaded with webinars and demonstrations for recipients to watch.

If your demo is online, a digital cash gift card like Giftly is the perfect way to incentivize attendance. You can customize the card, include a personal message, and then the recipient can spend the gift how they want.

For in-person demos, consider taking prospects out to a nice dinner before the presentation to encourage them to attend.

Direct Mail

In a digital-first world, receiving a tangible gift in the mail can be a nice surprise. Direct mail gifting allows you to create a tactile, memorable experience.

You could send a practical item that aligns with your product or service, such as a smart home device for a home security company or a portable phone charger for a telecom provider. Or, have fun with it and send them something that aligns with their hobbies, like a set of golf clubs with their name and your branding on the bag for golfers.

Pay close attention to the packaging and presentation of your gift. Use high-quality materials and include a personalized message.


Hosting exclusive events for your target accounts can be a powerful way to build relationships and create memorable experiences. Consider inviting key decision-makers to a sporting event or an educational workshop that aligns with their interests and professional goals.

As a follow-up to the event, use Giftly to send personalized digital gift cards to attendees as a thank-you. This extends the positive impact of the event and reinforces your brand's commitment to developing a meaningful relationship.

Giftly: The Smart Choice for Scalable ABM Gifting

Incorporating strategic gifting into your ABM strategy helps build stronger relationships, create memorable experiences, and ultimately drive revenue growth with your target accounts. 

Giftly helps you streamline and scale your ABM gifting efforts. With the ability to send personalized digital gift cards that can be redeemed just like cash, Giftly provides the flexibility and customization to deliver the perfect gift for anyone on your target account.

You can include custom messages, branding, and images so each gift is thoughtful and encourages a connection with the recipient.

Ready to take your ABM gifting strategy to the next level? Reach out to the Giftly team today to learn more about how our platform can help you create meaningful, memorable, and impactful gifting experiences.

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