Giftly Cards: The Best Choice For Corporate Gifting

Giftly cards offer all the benefits of cash. None of the short-comings of gift cards. Find out how they can transform your B2B gifting strategy.

Tom Dixon
Content Manager
Giftly cards offer all the benefits of cash. None of the short-comings of gift cards. Find out how they can transform your B2B gifting strategy.

In 2010, Giftly founder Tim Bentley wanted to give his mom a gift card to her favorite local restaurant for her birthday. 

He hit a surprising roadblock: the restaurant didn't offer gift cards online, and since he lived 1,000 miles away, he couldn't get there in person to buy a physical one.

These same issues plague many corporate gifting programs today. 

Even with the rise of digital gifting options, most companies still rely on impersonal branded swag, restrictive gift catalogs, or a limited selection of gift cards to national chain stores or restaurants.

The problem is, these options often fall short of delivering a truly personalized and memorable recipient experience

Generic company swag feels thoughtless and ends up collecting dust in a drawer somewhere. Gift catalogs are limiting and put the onus on the recipient to find something they like. And store-specific gift cards pigeonhole people into shopping or eating at places that may not match their preferences.

So what's the solution? The Giftly card.

By giving recipients the freedom to spend their gift however they choose, these cards solve the most common problems with corporate gifting. 

Giftly cards allow for endless customization and personalization options. They enable people to shop local, earn credit card rewards, and find the best deals. Most importantly, they show that you trust the recipient to pick out the perfect gift for themselves.

At Giftly, we believe these types of cards are the future of employee recognition, prospect outreach, and customer appreciation.

More Personal Than Cash; More Flexible Than Gift Cards

When it comes to corporate gifting, it's easy to see the appeal of cash. It's a one-size-fits-all option that gives recipients complete freedom to spend the money however they choose. 

But let's be honest: handing someone a wad of bills or sending a plain white envelope with a check inside feels impersonal and lacks the thoughtfulness of a true gift. Plus, from a business perspective, it’s difficult to deliver and track cash gifts.

Sure, you could hand out that cash through payroll. But that can minimize the impact of your gift. Many people may not even notice it if they have direct deposit set up.

On the other hand, traditional gift cards come with their own set of limitations. Store-specific cards restrict recipients to a particular retailer or restaurant chain, which may not align with their preferences or even be available in their area. And while gift card catalogs offer more variety, they still confine recipients to a pre-selected assortment of options.

This preference is backed up by our research, which found that 72 percent of respondents prefer receiving a gift card that lets them buy lunch anywhere, rather than a gift card restricted to specific delivery services like Uber Eats or DoorDash.

Giftly cards strike the perfect balance between the flexibility of cash and the personalization of a thoughtful gift. With a platform like Giftly, you can create a beautifully designed digital card that includes a personal message to the recipient. You can even add a suggested use for the funds based on what you know about the person's interests, like "treat yourself to a nice dinner out!" or "enjoy a relaxing spa day on us!"

They'll have the freedom to spend the money anywhere they choose, whether it's at a favorite local boutique, a new restaurant they've been wanting to try, or even by making a charitable donation to a cause they care about.

Plus, Giftly cards streamline the logistics of corporate gifting. You don't have to worry about collecting mailing addresses or dealing with lost or stolen physical cards. Recipients can easily redeem their gift from their computer or mobile device, and you can track delivery and usage through the platform's analytics dashboard.

By combining the best aspects of cash and traditional gift cards, Giftly cards offer a more personal and flexible solution for all your corporate gifting needs. Your recipients will appreciate the freedom to choose their own perfect gift, while still feeling recognized and valued by your thoughtful gesture.

Spark Creativity; Ditch Generic Swag

Sure, you can’t help yourself at the big industry conference. Every booth has a branded stress ball, pens, even USB drives. You stuff it all in your little tote bag, which you throw in your suitcase on the way out of the hotel. Then what happens? You unpack, toss it all in a desk drawer, and never look at or see it again.

Or maybe your company holiday party ends with everyone receiving the same generic gift basket filled with cheap trinkets and snacks. 

While these types of swag items are a staple of corporate gifting, they rarely inspire genuine excitement or appreciation from recipients.

The truth is, most branded swag ends up in the trash or forgotten in the back of a closet. It's an uninspired choice that feels more like a marketing ploy than a sincere token of appreciation. And while some higher-end swag items like clothing or tech accessories may get more use, they still lack the personal touch that makes a gift truly memorable.

Giftly cards, on the other hand, open up a world of creative possibilities for corporate gifting. Instead of settling for a one-size-fits-all tchotchke, you can inspire your recipients to indulge in an experience or item that truly resonates with them.

In fact, our survey data shows 82 percent of respondents preferred receiving a cash gift card over physical gifts or branded swag, highlighting the growing demand for more flexible and personalized gifting options.

For example, let's say you want to thank a top client for their business. With a Giftly card, you could include a note suggesting they use the funds to enjoy a gourmet meal at a hot new restaurant in their city. Or maybe you want to recognize an employee who's been burning the midnight oil on a big project. A Giftly card with a recommendation to use it for a much-needed massage or round of golf shows that you appreciate their hard work and care about their well-being.

The beauty of Giftly cards is that they allow for endless customization and creativity. You can tailor your message and suggested use to each recipient, showing that you've put thought into what would make them happiest. And because the funds can be spent anywhere, you're not limiting their options or making assumptions about their tastes.

Encourage Local Tastes At Corporate Scale

One of the biggest challenges of corporate gifting is finding options that feel personal and relevant to recipients across different locations and backgrounds. 

What works for your New York City office may not resonate with your team in a small Midwestern town. And with the rise of remote work, your employees and clients may be spread out all over the country or even the world.

Traditional gift cards to big box retailers or national restaurant chains can feel generic and impersonal, especially for recipients who prefer to support local businesses. But trying to curate locally-specific gifts for each individual recipient is a logistical nightmare at scale.

With Giftly cards, your Brooklyn-based developer can use their gift to grab lunch at her favorite neighborhood deli, while your sales rep in Austin can put it towards tickets to a local music festival. Each team member gets to enjoy a gift that feels tailored to their unique location and interests, without any extra effort on your part.

The same principle applies to client gifting. Instead of sending a generic gift basket that may not align with a client's tastes or values, a Giftly card allows them to choose a locally-sourced gift or experience.

By embracing the flexibility of Giftly cards, you can encourage recipients to explore and enjoy the best of what their local communities have to offer. And from a corporate perspective, you can streamline your year-round gifting program and ensure that everyone feels equally appreciated, no matter where they're located.

Inspire Genuine Connection

At the end of the day, the goal of any corporate gifting program is to strengthen the relationships between your company and the people who matter most to your success. Whether you're thanking employees for their dedication, celebrating a client's loyalty, or welcoming a new business partner, a thoughtful gift has the power to create a genuine sense of connection and goodwill.

But let's face it: not all gifts are created equal. A generic, impersonal gift can actually have the opposite effect, making recipients feel undervalued or unappreciated. If your gifting program feels more like a box-checking exercise than a sincere expression of gratitude, it's time to rethink your approach.

The impact of Giftly cards on business relationships is clear: our data shows 80 percent of those surveyed are likely or very likely to accept a meeting request when offered a gift card, and people are 10 percent more likely to accept a meeting with a cash gift card than an Amazon gift card.

The same principle applies to employee recognition. By giving your team members the flexibility to choose their own gifts, you're showing you trust and value their unique contributions. A Giftly card with a personalized message of thanks can go a long way toward boosting morale, fostering loyalty, and creating a positive company culture.

Plus, Giftly cards create opportunities for ongoing connection and engagement beyond the initial gift. You can follow up with recipients to see how they used their gift and share in their excitement and appreciation. You can even invite them to share photos or stories of their experiences, creating a sense of community around your gifting program.

Giftly Cards Are Like Cash With A Heart

While corporate gifting has long been a staple of business culture, traditional approaches like generic swag and limited gift card options simply aren't cutting it anymore.

The data speaks for itself: when given the choice, respondents were twice as likely to prefer a cash gift card over an Amazon gift card for employee rewards or holiday gifts, underscoring the universal appeal and flexibility of Giftly cards.

Giftly cards represent a major shift. By combining the flexibility and universality of cash with the personalization and thoughtfulness of a carefully chosen gift, they offer a powerful way to connect with recipients on a deeper level and create lasting positive impressions.

Our platform makes it easy for businesses of all sizes to create and send personalized gifts and rewards that inspire genuine connections and drive real results. Whether you're looking to boost employee morale, strengthen client relationships, or simply spread some joy and goodwill, Giftly has you covered.

With a little creativity and the right partner by your side, you can transform your gifting program from a routine expense to a powerful tool for building a stronger, more successful business. Ready to learn more? Reach out to us today.

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